Sunday's Online Service
Grace and peace family,
As you are aware, the spread of COVID-19 has affected everyone everywhere. And, many local governments have requested the cancellation or modification of large gatherings. Due to this, the national Presbyterian governing board--who owns the Genesis church campus--has decided to close all their facilities during the month of March. As a result, we are moving our 7pm Wednesday night services to Antioch Baptist Church located at 6222 Manor Road (Austin, TX 78723) and our 12:30pm Sunday services be online services. In compliance with the ruling of gatherings of size 10 or less, we will have ONLY those needed to facilitate the worship and its live-streaming nature to be present.
We are using Zoom so you can watch and interact during the worship. We still plan to have praise-n-worship, the reading of scripture, a testimony, prayer and giving. As a matter of fact, we want you to share your prayer requests during the live stream, via the chat window, so we can read them and pray concerning them.
As a reminder, you can also send your prayer requests to and you can always give online at anytime.
To connect, do the following:
Click here to join Church Zoom Meeting:
When prompted, use the following Meeting ID: 747 208 967
When prompted, use the following Password: 722217
-- NOTE --
If you don't have the app, you will asked to download the app. Please download the app; it is safe. After downloading the app, select "Join a meeting".
Then ...
When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 747 208 967
Then, when prompted, enter the Password: 722217
As you are aware, the spread of COVID-19 has affected everyone everywhere. And, many local governments have requested the cancellation or modification of large gatherings. Due to this, the national Presbyterian governing board--who owns the Genesis church campus--has decided to close all their facilities during the month of March. As a result, we are moving our 7pm Wednesday night services to Antioch Baptist Church located at 6222 Manor Road (Austin, TX 78723) and our 12:30pm Sunday services be online services. In compliance with the ruling of gatherings of size 10 or less, we will have ONLY those needed to facilitate the worship and its live-streaming nature to be present.
We are using Zoom so you can watch and interact during the worship. We still plan to have praise-n-worship, the reading of scripture, a testimony, prayer and giving. As a matter of fact, we want you to share your prayer requests during the live stream, via the chat window, so we can read them and pray concerning them.
As a reminder, you can also send your prayer requests to and you can always give online at anytime.
To connect, do the following:
Click here to join Church Zoom Meeting:
When prompted, use the following Meeting ID: 747 208 967
When prompted, use the following Password: 722217
-- NOTE --
If you don't have the app, you will asked to download the app. Please download the app; it is safe. After downloading the app, select "Join a meeting".
Then ...
When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 747 208 967
Then, when prompted, enter the Password: 722217
As Pastor mentioned on Sunday, God is reminding us that we can do or handle all things and any thing through and with the strength that Jesus Christ provides. So, don't operate out of fear but with wisdom. Take heed to the warnings and admonishments from the CDC and government; but also trust God. This is a time to pray for the welfare of the "city"--not just for a cure or vaccination but also for a change in the culture to return to the Lord. This is a time to be agents of change and representatives of the Lord who model His love and help make right the family by ...
As a church, we will be doing these three things to model God's love and facilitate #turningpoints God makes towards salvation or rededication.
Again, let us be wise and not fearful. Stay prayerful and helpful. Let Philippians 4:4-9 be your guide. And for those who can, we will see you Wednesday and Sunday. For those who can't, we will be recording the service and make it available on the church youtube page.
Blessings to you and let us know if you need anything,
Pastor Carl
- praying for each other and others,
- checking on each other and others with phone calls, emails, text messages and social media chats, and
- assisting others who are immobile or must stay home due to being more susceptible to the virus. Help them get the items they need to continue.
As a church, we will be doing these three things to model God's love and facilitate #turningpoints God makes towards salvation or rededication.
Again, let us be wise and not fearful. Stay prayerful and helpful. Let Philippians 4:4-9 be your guide. And for those who can, we will see you Wednesday and Sunday. For those who can't, we will be recording the service and make it available on the church youtube page.
Blessings to you and let us know if you need anything,
Pastor Carl
30 Days of Thanks30 Days of Thanks - Day 230 Days of Thanks - Day 330 Days of Thanks - Day 430 Days of Thanks - Day 530 Days of Thanks - Day 630 Days of Thanks - Day 730 Days of Thanks - Day 830 Days of Thanks - Day 930 Days of Thanks - Day 1030 Days of Thanks - Day 1130 Days of Thanks - Day 1230 Days of Thanks - Day 1330 Days of Thanks - Day 14A Promise Kept
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