Lets talk about it

Angry. Mad. Frustrated. Tired. Hurt. Speechless. Ready to fight. Ready to act. Prayerful.
These are just some of the words shared to express people's state after learning and even watching the murder of Mr. George Floyd, before finishing processing the murder of Ahmaud Arbery and others.

While adults are struggling to process all this, parents are trying to figure out how to help their children process this or even how, when and what to share. Now we have riots and looting.

We need to talk!
This is a family-style conversation, with guidelines and goals, for teens (with parent permission) and older. God's people ought to be able to share and help each other process current realities in God-honoring ways that help produce God-honoring change and impact. We also need to help each other maintain God awareness and God's perspective. We may have some hard questions; but God has answers and responses.

Lets talk.
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