22 Ways to Pray as a Family

In 2022 ...
We're partnering with God, through prayer, to help make right the family!
So, we're sharing some things on prayer.
If you need a refresher on prayer, check out this 60-second devotional by Pastor Carl (or watch it below). The actual lesson is an earlier blog that you can access here.
Back to the 22 ways to pray as a family ...
The attached E-book contains prayer focused events, habit-forming routines, or causes. All of these may not be a fit for you and your family, but there are probably five (5) ideas you can use. Which ones will you try?

Some ideas I have done or will do include ... #1, #17, #18, #20, #21.
What are yours?  

You can click the picture to download the E-book or click here.
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